Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat....or geez I ate too much candy

Yea, it happens to all of us.  For the kids, you score loads of delicious sugary goodness in your bucket or bag.  You know you're supposed to wait and parcel this out over the next few weeks, but 1 piece of candy just never seems to be enough.  For me, 23 pieces of candy sometimes isn't enough.  As far as all the parents out there, don't act like we don't know you snag candy from your childrens' buckets and bags.  It's the Parent Tax.  I've seen it, and I'm sure I'll invoke that tax on my future kids one day, too.

Now don't go beating yourself up, or trying to desperately count every calorie you threw down in 30 seconds of candy munching.  Instead, stay focused, and get back on the ball.  It's okay to veer off the path every now and then, as long as we don't make it a habit.  Make sure you down plenty of water, and get back to training on schedule....and for the love, don't forget to brush your teeth.

Stay strong,

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