Saturday, November 12, 2011


When it comes to weight loss and cardiovascular health, training can be summed up in one word: MOVE!  Whether you are trying to burn calories or train for better endurance, just move.  The more you move, the longer you move, the better.

I know a guy who just took up Zumba classes.  While I'm no Zumba expert, I can pretty much guarantee that this big, football player body of his probably isn't the most graceful in those classes.  However, I can tell you this:  he is most likely burning a ridiculous amount of calories.  It's all a matter of getting your heart rate up, and doing it consistently.  Once a week isn't going to change much.  3-5 times a week would be preferred, but you could dance around once a day if you feel so inclined!  Just remember, whether it's calorie killing or endurance training, just MOVE.

Stay strong,

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Beginnings...

I'm really excited to start with my new training position at a local fitness club here in San Antonio.  It's a new beginning, with new faces, new location, and of course, all the free equipment a trainer could desire!  New things are fun, exciting, but can also be a little frightening.

Health and fitness changes can be the same way.  It may seem fun and exciting at the beginning, but can also prove to be a little scary.  It's not always easy, but it IS always beneficial.  If you are in that place where you want to get started taking care of your health and fitness level, I would suggest that you start small.  Don't try to perfect every aspect of personal training in your first week.  Take it one step at a time.  Then take another step, until you are running full speed, continue to move at a pace you can handle that will not cause you to regress in the future.  I know, I know, easier said than done.

Take this example:  I have a terrible, terrible love for sweet tea.  It virtually runs through my veins.  Now sweet tea at my house has more sugar than should ever be allowed, but man it is delicious.  I used to drink about a gallon of sweet tea a day.  Think about that.  A GALLON!  That's roughly 1,120 unnecessary calories.  My step one.......cut it in half.  Step two: cut that in see the pattern.  I still drink sweet tea, but in MUCH smaller quantities.  It may take a little longer, but it will be much more effective.

The same goes for training.  If you try to run a marathon during your first week of training, you will probably experience an epic fail, and then choose to quit training.  Instead, take it one step at a time, running shorter distances, at lower speeds, and slowly building your strength and endurance naturally, ultimately training your body to handle more and more.

New beginnings are exciting, fun, and a little scary.  Whatever the case, get some accountability, train hard, and get at me if you need some guidance.

Stay Strong,