Tuesday, April 3, 2012

the Beach Bod...

Okay peeps, we are less than 8 weeks out from Memorial Day (the unofficial beginning of Summer awesomeness).  It's time to make plans (if you haven't already) to prep yourself for beach season.  Maybe you've kept off the spare tire, and now you just want to get that delicious muscle tone.  Or maybe you decided since last Summer to pick up a couple extra spare tires.  Maybe you want to look like Arnold in your tank top, but right now you feel like a pre-spinach Popeye.  Whatever the case, don't put off what you can start today.

Now let's get real for a second.  Don't think that just because you pick up a set up dumbbells or you can do a kettlebell swing that you will instantly grow a 6-pack.  What's most important is the diet.  You don't have to be on a specific diet plan per se, but you do need to always focus on MODERATION.  Most Americans can quickly shed 5-10lbs. simply by practicing moderation.  I call this the push test.  Do you have what it takes to push yourself away from the table before that last dinner roll?  Before the last refill of sweet tea?  Maybe before the dessert tray comes by?  If you cannot pass this test, you will most likely struggle in getting that smokin' hot look your shooting for.  However, if you can pass with at least a high "C", then you're ready to focus on part 2: Exercise

I'm going to target 3 specific groups right now:

1.  The Spare Tires- those who have built up that spare tire(s) since last Summer and are now trying to get rid of it before beach season

2.  The Pre-Spinach Popeyes (herein referred to as "PSP's"):  those who are looking to build up the body a little to feel less like a deflated balloon

3.  The IsoToners:  those who have some muscle, but are looking to tighten up a bit

Let's Start with the Spare Tires...the most common group come this time of year.  Because Christmas break is spent with family, and pot-luck dinners filled with breads and pies are in abundance, most of you have probably binged on all the sweet deliciousness over the holidays.  You then commit January 1 to workout and get fit.  Then in February you realize how busy your schedule has become and how unmotivated you are.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!  Here are some quick things to think about... First, the most important thing for you right now is to GET MOVING.  Get that heart rate up, and start pushing your body beyond where it wants to go right now.  It's called "training" for a reason, because you have to "train" your body to do what you want it to.  Then, as your body gets used to moving around again, start implementing circuit training into your day.  (take 4-8 exercises and perform them back to back without rest)  Focus on resistance training for your circuits.  Go about 3-4 rounds, with short rests in between, for each day of exercise.  This will test your strength as well as conditioning at the same time.

Now for the PSP's.  You're looking in the mirror wondering how you can look like the guy/girl on the fitness magazine you just ordered (thinking you will instantly become like the cover model).  What's more important here for you is to push yourself.  If you want to build muscle, you need to be challenging yourself with at least 85% of your maximum potential.  If you can lift 100lbs, you need to be lifting at least 85lbs. in your resistance training.  Remember not to kill yourself.  Don't try to do a million reps at higher weights, but instead perform more sets with lower rep counts.  (ie, 5 sets of 4, as opposed to 2 sets of 10)  You need to train your muscles to understand that you mean business, and it's time to get to work.  Spend most of your time pushing hard, but give yourself enough time to spread out your rep counts throughout a larger number of sets. SIDE NOTE:  When you're trying to build muscle, it's important to cool the jets on aerobic training...rather than spending 30 minutes on the dreadmill, take 5 minutes to do 40yd. sprints.  Anaerobic training won't affect your building like aerobic training will.

Last, but certainly not least, are the Isotoners.  You are the ones who hit the gym pretty regular and do a decent job of eating well.  You don't necessarily have a spare tire, nor are you looking to become Governor of California.  However, you do want people to see the fine details of definition in your frame.  Your best option here is to focus on isolation.  You want to choose which muscles you're looking to define, and use exercises at moderate weights for long sets and rep counts.  Ideally, it will feel rather monotonous, but more importantly, it will take the pre-existing muscle and make it jump out enough for the world to see.  Instead of lifting 95% of your max on the leg press machine, maybe choose to do squats (bodyweight or free weights) at 55% of your max for a larger number of reps.

As always, should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to ask.  And if you're looking for some help to whip your body into shape before Memorial Day, let me know.  I'd love to help.

Stay Strong,

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