Monday, February 27, 2012

The Post-Chocolate Experience...

Well it's almost the end of February...holy geez.  This year is already blowing by, which is kinda lame because supposedly the end of this year is the end of the world (though I'll believe it when I see it).  Anywho, on to the post chocolate experience.  How many of you threw down some chocolates this February?  Maybe you got a cute basket from your sweetheart that was filled with delicious, calorie-ridden treats.  If you're a teacher like my wife, you probably received plenty of awesomeness from your students...enough, in fact, to feed your friends, family, and your wonderful husband.

For the average bear, you've probably been trying to stay in the gym as much as possible since the beginning of the year (along with about 5 billion other people).  If you're still there today, give yourself a pat on the back.  One thing I've noticed as a trainer in a big gym is that people tend to fizzle out of their New Year's fitness resolutions around the end of January.  Unfortunately, this is just the time the chocolates roll out for Valentine's Day.  Thankfully, for those who have been faithful at least up until the candy overload, you probably aren't going to balloon like you had the years before.  However, you will nullify all your hard work from the previous month if you let it end here.  Let me encourage you: DON'T STOP EXERCISING!!!

What tends to happen with most people at this point in the year is they lose the drive, the fire, the passion, the motivation to stay on track with their health and wellness, thus spiraling back into the whirlpool of bad fitness (or no fitness) and eating habits.  It's at this point that you MUST grab someone(s) and give them permission to push you beyond what you think you can handle.  That's what training is all about.  You want to quit.  You think you've gone as far as you can go.  However, the fresh perspective of the outsider can change everything.  They know you can handle a few more laps.  They know you can push out a few more reps.  They know you can wait one more day until that cheat day.

We're 2 months in to 2012, and if you want to make this a good year for your health and wellness, then go and make it happen.  Grab the fresh perspective of an accountability buddy, get your backside in gear, and keep working!  As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you're looking for a good trainer, let me know.

Stay Strong,

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