Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Work in Progress(ions)

        As I’m talking with people about opening the new CHFitness location, many different types of folks have asked of group fitness classes, “Is this something that will work for me?”  That’s a great question.  One of the most difficult aspects of successfully implementing a group fitness program is the endless variety of potential participants.  We want to be available to both active and sedentary individuals, with all different types of backgrounds and health issues, etc.  So how does that work?  I’m glad you asked.  The key word here is: PROGRESSION

       Maybe you’ve been running day after day but don’t have much upper body strength.  Maybe you’ve been bench-pressing your whole life but you’re rocking chicken legs.  Maybe you’ve thought really, really hard about exercise but the devil on your shoulder told you that TV show was more worthy of your time.  Wherever you are, let’s start there.  (Remember yesterday’s post, about BUILDing your foundation?!?)  Find out what you’re capable of right now, and make that your benchmark.

        Progression is all about recognizing where your limits are, then surpassing them through intentional, methodical training methods and a little bit of will power (okay, okay…a LOT a bit of will power).  Take one of the most common, yet often overlooked exercises…the squat.  Rather than trying to throw down a 350lb. back squat, let’s start here:

1. Squat to Box
2. Bodyweight Squats
3. Goblet Squats

        Stick with the first exercise until the body can perform 10-15 reps with flawless form.  Once you can handle that, PROGRESS to the next exercise.  Of course there are many more steps after that before you’ll hit that 350lbs, but this is a great place to start.  It’s amazing what you can be capable of when you push yourself through progressions properly, step by step.  More importantly, in a group setting, whether you are on step 1 or step 101, everyone can be training together, growing together, and achieving more.

        As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you’re interested in getting started and making your fitness goals a reality, you know where to find me.     ***you can sign up now by visiting www.chadhumphreyfitness.com)

Stay Strong,

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