Friday, August 31, 2012

CHF Core Values (Part 2)

Build. Push. Achieve.

BUILD your foundation,  PUSH your limits, and ACHIEVE more.  This is the next layer in the composition of CHFitness.

     BUILDing your foundation.  Do I even need to explain the importance of this one?  Just in case, here’s a quick overview:


     As a tree without roots is fairly useless, so is a body with a weak or non-existent foundation.  Your foundation isn’t just your legs, but more your entire lower chain, from your feet, ankles, calves, quads/hams, hips, and lower abdominals.  It’s also how these things work together.  You can have incredibly strong legs and lower abdominals, but with little flexibility or range of motion.  Your power is only a fraction of what it could be without that properly working chain.  Build your foundation, and you’re on your way to seeing impressive results in your training.

     PUSH Your Limits.  The purpose of building your foundation is to create a starting point.  You can’t create a masterpiece without the first brush stroke.  You also can’t create a 6-pack and 3% body fat without starting somewhere.  Once you build your foundation, then you can push yourself to see just how far you can go.  And with every attempt to push yourself, you raise the bar higher and higher.  In Eric Cressey’s book "Maximum Strength Training", he discusses that building strength and power comes from the training that is done at a minimum of 85% of your total capability.  So how do we know what our 85% is?  By PUSHing the limits!

     ACHIEVE more.  Lastly, and what seems to be the wrap up for this layer of the CHFitness composition, is the follow up to the previous 2 pieces.  We BUILD our foundation and PUSH our limits so that we can ultimately ACHIEVE more.  Drop more weight, build more strength, make our tummy that much tighter, add a few years onto our lives, decrease the level of stress and anxiety.  These are just a few examples of the ACHIEVEments that can be made, and will be made at CHFitness.  Are you ready? We are.

Stay Strong,

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