Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Do YOU need a trainer?

Top 10 Reasons To Hire a Personal Trainer:

1. YOU'RE NOT SEEING RESULTS: it happens all too often. You (or someone you know) signs up for their new gym membership around the time they set their New Year's Resolution to lose those pesky pounds. Then the days go by, then weeks, then months. Maybe you have been consistently AT the gym, but you're not seeing those results you wanted. Then discouragement sets in, and you decide it's not worth paying for those monthly dues anymore, and you cancel the membership, only to wait until next December 31st to sign up all over again. It makes perfect sense...why invest in something that has no positive dividend, right?!?

A trainer can look at where you are and what you do and create a fun and effective plan to help to meet those goals.

2. YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START: entering a room full of exercise equipment can be incredibly overwhelming. Even going to the little gym in the apartment complex can seem a bit spooky. All those buttons on the dreadmill...all those cables on the home gym system.

Trainers can help you find and use the right equipment for your needs. They can also make the dreadmill a much easier piece of equipment to enjoy!

3. YOU'RE BORED: day in, day out, same ole workout routines. Your bored, and a little annoyed. It can become too much repetition, making your health and well being seem more like a job.

A trainer can provide fresh perspective and new challenges to stimulate your workout. Whether you meet once a week or three times a week, a trainer can help you over that "bored" feeling.

4. YOU NEED A CHALLENGE: it's easy to stop at 5 or 6 reps during an exercise when you feel a little struggle. After all, no one WANTS to drop a dumbbell on their foot or face.

A trainer can help you push yourself beyond what you thought you could do, and open up a world I possibilities you never knew existed.

5. YOU WANT TO LEARN TO EXERCISE ON YOUR OWN: even of your goal is to exercise by yourself, a trainer is a great way to get some fresh ideas and perspectives on training technique and what's newest in the fitness training realm.

6. YOU NEED ACCOUNTABILITY AND MOTIVATION: it seems that the fastest way to miss your goals and set yourself back is to try training alone. You don't have to have someone standing over you for every rep, but at least have someone willing to make sure you're getting to the gym.

A trainer will not only help you push yourself to get in the gym, but also to push yourself beyond what you thought you could do. They will help you set and achieve real, attainable goals, and then challenge you to new ones when the time comes. It's much harder to fall off the bandwagon when you've got someone holding you up there!

7. YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC ILLNESS, INJURY, OR CONDITION: whether you have arthritis, battling heart disease, or old sports injuries, or during pregnancy, a trainer can help you find a program that will work for you, help heal your body, and help prevent any further injuries.

8. YOU'RE TRAINING FOR A SPORT OR EVENT: it's all about programming...whether you are training to run a marathon, get on the football team, or maybe join the chess club (lots and lots of thumb wrestling), a trainer can help develop a great program to meet your specific trainin needs.

9. YOU WANT SUPERVISION AND SUPPORT DURING WORKOUTS: you're the one who has caught on...training can be dangerous if not done with attention to proper form and function. A trainer can provide guidance to ensure you are training safely, and effectively. They can be a great spotter for both lift assistance and form.

10. YOU WANT TO WORKOUT AT HOME: sometimes it's a busy schedule...sometimes a fear of big gyms...other times it's sheer convenience. Whatever the reason, some folks would prefer training in the comfort of their own home. The only problem is they have little to no equipment, and even less of an understanding of how to use it effectively.

A trainer can provide equipment, and the knowledge you need to use it, and you never even have to change out of your pj's (though I would recommend it)

The bottom line is...whether you see yourself in this top ten list, or have a myriad of other reasons, a trainer can be a very effective tool in your fitness life. If you need some help, guidance, or accountability, get at me soon. Let's start 2012 off right, and stop that vicious cycle of discouragement.

Stay Strong,

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