Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Actually, I live in south Texas, so it's about 70 degrees and raining.  However, with the Mrs. and I on our small winter vacation, it has made for great outside running weather.  I've changed my training focus right now from metabolic conditioning to strength training, and Tuesday/Thursday is rest or moderate cardio.  Sooo, this weather is actually perfect for today.  Not only that, but taking a little run by Lake Travis isn't too bad a way to start your day either.

So this December has been a little slow in the training world, but I know what everyone has on their mind: New Year's Resolutions.  Don't be ashamed if you are one of the billion people in this world who are about to make that annual promise to lose another 5-10lbs.  Everyone does it.  Every year.  The trick is learning to keep that weight off throughout the year.  If there's one thing I learned in 2011 while dropping 60 lbs., it's that weight loss is similar to building Rome. (ain't gonna happen in a day)  But for most people, the weight feels like it can come back in a day.  Here's my challenge:  TAKE IT SLOW!  Most people in January cut out all delicious foods and starve themselves of everything but couscous and V8.  The problem is the shock value this has to your system.  When you change so drastically, only to go back to your normal feeding patterns a month later, you don't give your body time to adjust.

Like I've said before, it's all about the baby steps.  Don't try to shock-and-awe yours system for those last pounds, because most of the time it won't stick.  Instead, be patient and take it step by step, slowly changing things, until it becomes natural for your body and you won't have those cravings anymore.  Trust me, going from a gallon of sweet tea a day to about 24oz. a week wasn't easy, but now it's second nature.  In all seriousness, make sure you have a healthy dose of accountability and encouragement.  If you need some, give me a ring.

Stick around this New Year, I'll be posting some great bodyweight exercises you can do in your own home if you don't have a gym.  I'll also be available if you're in the San Antonio area and in the market for a new trainer.

Stay Strong,

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