Monday, August 13, 2012

5 Reasons You AREN'T Exercising (Part 5)

5. It Hurts

        This is a very common excuse.  Something everyone needs to remember is that you don't have to START big to see big changes.  When I lost all my weight, I started small, but lost big.  Just getting moving was enough to jump start the results in my own body.  The key term here is PROGRESSION.  There's no need to aggressively attack your body when it's not ready for it.  If your body can't handle 4 days a week worth of training sessions, pull it back to 3 days to start, or even 2.  Always start with little to no weights when starting any new exercises, and progess (which you'll learn is my favorite training term).
        Now for those of you dealing with nagging pains and/or previous injury, it's ALWAYS best to first consult your doctor for any information regarding what to avoid in your training program.  Please (I said please) inform your trainer(s) of any and all issues you need to be careful with.  The worst thing you can do is try to go full speed into something when your body can't handle it.  It only makes things worse. Trust me.  If your doctor clears you, and you just have some annoying tightness or pain, maybe it's time to spend more energy on warmup and stretching.  Proper warmup and stretching techniques will literally change your life when you give them the appropriate time.  I'm not saying 40min. of stretching, but 10-15minutes before your training program (thought it may seem like a long time) will help prevent or decrease those unwanted pains and strains. 

***Most importantly, do not get overwhelmed!  I can help.  Let me know what type of results you would like to see, and I'll do everything I can to get you there!***

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