Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Nutrition and The Karate Kid

So I recently stumbled across the original Karate Kid movie while I was channel surfing on a Saturday afternoon. (Don’t hate, I had already done my training that day).  I love that old flick, with nerdy Ralph Macchio and the great Mr. Miyagi.  There are a few things I learned from that movie that I think have an important role in our health and lifestyle today:

1.  Anybody can accomplish big goals with the right help. (Seriously, Ralph Macchio did it).
2.  Never go to a Halloween party dressed as a guy in a shower.
3.  The best offense is a good defense. (Don’t sweep the leg, just be prepared to crane-kick the guy who does)

     Now that last point there is what makes it for me.  We live in a society where eating happens at virtually every social (and business) engagement…from coffee and donuts in the conference room, to giant family gatherings that could easily feed half the starving kids in Africa.  Not making a social issues point here, but trying to emphasize just how often we are under attack by edible enemies.  Let’s be real, it’s easy to let the guard down every now and then, and justify it later by “working out” or eating a salad for dinner (typically topped by a gallon of dressing).  It’s that whole self-discipline thing that we struggle with.  SO WHAT’S THE POINT?!?

         I’m glad you asked!  The point is that in order to avoid getting your leg swept over and over again you have to be prepared.  Know your strengths.  More important….know your weaknesses.  Training your body from a nutrition standpoint is just as difficult if not more difficult than training your muscles.  But it CAN be done, so no excuses!  Eric Cressey gives what I believe is some of the best advice on our weakest area in his 5th point here.  Check it out, and as always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or would like to talk training, you know where to find me.

Stay Strong,

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